Intentions - the building blocks of confidence

Intentions mean little in a results-driven society, or do they? If we base our confidence around results - what if we fall short? Our ego is shattered. What if we intended to win, conduct ourselves professionally, be disciplined, and follow through to get the result? Then the failure is admirable, and a stepping stone to greater things.

Here lies my intention - to become resilient. Able to withstand all that life throws at me, to be equipped to go after what I want. What I want is ludicrous wealth, why? Money is a resource. The more I have the fewer limitations, and moreover, the capacity for greater missions and thus a greater impact I will have on the world. I know of only a few ways to do this, and I possess limited skills: herein lines another intention - to become skilled as to bring value to others. I will capture value myself as money. As my monetary goals are excessive so too are my skills goals. I currently work in operational finance. I understand money to a greater extent than many people, but just greater than many is not enough. I need to excel. In the pursuit of excellence another intention is revealed: to pursue virtue, not to sit around and discuss what makes a man good but to be one. I will do as a good leader does - go the way and show the way.

All eyes on me, I will show you how it is done.


The journey of 5000 miles begins with 1 message